Pricing: community groups

One of the two prongs driving FULCRUM is to enable community groups to develop their well-being, skills or resources. (The other prong is to provide a way for organisations to contribute back to their communities.)

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If you are a group with formal connections (such as a charity, a club or association) or a gathering of people with informal connections (such as an interest or neighbourhood group, a large friendship or family group), you are one of the main reasons FULCRUM exists.

In our efforts to make the world a fairer place, we aim to draw on the resources available in wider society to create opportunities for insight, growth and development, particularly for people who experience significant struggles in their lives. Our partnerships with organisations that are 100% committed to improving our communities allows us to offer the same high standard of experience to community group at minimal cost. We will try our utmost to provide an Event at lowest possible cost to you because our partner organisations really value building our local communities, including yours.