Building connections can save lives
Isolation and loneliness can be fatal. Julianne Holt-Lunstad and colleagues suggest that the harmful effects of loneliness are akin to the harm caused by smoking, obesity or alcohol misuse. The article is reviewed by the NHS here.
The flip side is that a crucial element in reducing the risks associated with isolation and loneliness, as well as reducing other risks such as sustained problematic drug use, is connection. As Johann Hari says in this brilliant video (at 5.01), "the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection." Have a watch of his TED Talk too.
At FULCRUM, we aim to provide opportunities for connection to be identified, motivation and courage for connection to be fostered and the skills for promoting connection to be grown.
Being able to connect with others not only reduces the risk of early death but also brings the attributes that were previously isolated out into the community, benefitting the community too. Some ideas for connecting from NHS here.